Helping our Bees Butterflies Birds

Spring is in the air and so are the bees. In recent seasons a large concern about our bees and their mysterious dying off have grown. I am finding that many people do not understand how devestating this can be for us all. If bees are not here to pollinate then our foods do not fruit and thus our good supply will be gone. So the main question is “What can I do to help?” Obviously, try not to use insecticides that are not natural, avoid fertilizing with synthetic chemicals and one that most people don’t think of… When you put sunscreens on before getting into the pool, consider those bees will be swooping by to take a drink. Yes, the bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, dragonflies and even those pesky horse flies.

Before you stop, plant those that will aid in strengthening the immune system of bees and aid them, such as; Lemon Balm, Bee Balm, St. John’s Wort, Basil and Mints. Oh, you live in an apartment or Condo? Have you even asked the manager what they are doing to assist? Since you pay you have the right to ask. Make suggestions to have plants that benefit the environment and even fruit trees placed about the area. Not only will this assist the bees, butterflies and birds, but when you have a community gathering and/or block party, the fruits can be gathered for the celebration.

If you have and comments that can be beneficial to this post, please do. Tell me what you think and/or suggest. To learn more about what we can do for our ecosystem, contact me classes and courses are offered year round and even in correspondence.